Professor Tim Lenton appears in an episode shot in Greenland.

Major new TV series ‘The Tipping Points’ features University of Exeter climate researchers

University of Exeter climate scientists Professor Tim Lenton and Professor Peter Cox have contributed to a major new television series –‘The Tipping Points: 6 Places on Earth Where Climate’s Changed’.

Based on a research paper by Tim Lenton in which potentially dangerous climate ‘tipping points’ were  identified, the series examines which of these critical thresholds have the potential to dramatically alter the climate and tip the climate system past a point of no return.

Hosted by climate journalist and adventurer Bernice Notenboom, The Tipping Points explores the interconnectedness of all the elements that make up our climate system including those that influence global and local weather patterns in some of the most remote locations on the planet.

From the canopies of the Amazon to the frozen glaciers of Greenland, the climate specialists examine the floods, droughts, extreme monsoons, fires, heat waves and hurricanes that extreme weather can bring and discuss how climate tipping points will affect weather norms on a global scale.

The series is already airing on Dutch TV and the first episode of the US version will begin broadcasting on The Weather Channel on the 19th October 2013. The series is expected to be broadcast in the UK in 2014. Both Exeter professors acted as scientific consultants for the series, with Tim Lenton also appearing most prominently in the episode on Greenland and Peter Cox appearing in the episode in Amazonia.


Professor Tim Lenton from Geography at the University of Exeter on location in Greenland.


The Tipping Points trailer.

Date: 18 October 2013

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