Dr Stephan Harrison in Patagonia, where he conducts much of his research.

Exeter geographer advises Indian government on climate change

A University of Exeter geographer has advised the Indian government on the links between climate change and national security.

Dr Stephan Harrison was invited to Delhi to present a paper entitled Climate Change: implications for future security to India’s leading military think-tank, the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses.

The audience included the Heads of the Indian Army and Air Force, the Indian Defence Minister and military experts from China, Japan, Pakistan, Australia, Poland and the US.

Dr Stephan Harrison said: “The impact of climate change on India may well be felt by increased variability in the monsoon and by changes in runoff from the Himalaya and Tibet. These will affect millions of people on the sub-continent and provide the impetus for future conflict and social instability”.

Based in the School of Geography on the University of Exeter’s Cornwall Campus, Dr Harrison regularly advises leading businesses, government agencies and public sector organisations about climate change. He also runs the University's MSc course in Climate Change and Risk Management.

Date: 2 March 2010

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